Amazing Abstracts (online course)


Is one of your dreams creating fun and fabulous abstract art? But you…don’t know how or where to begin 😥

feel like there’s so much to learn and you feel overwhelmed

don’t think you’re creative or haven’t studied art school

you can’t seem to paint something you actually like


How wonderful would it be to have a step-by-step guide that would show you the exact techniques & tools your favourite artists are using when creating their abstract paintings?


It’s not a far-fetched dream!


Learn to paint colour, joyful abstracts you love. Come and join me, award-winning artist Cassandra Gaisford, in my online course “Amazing Abstracts” and learn STEP-BY-STEP how I approach creating beautiful abstracts.


Instead of being stuck and feeling uninspired, imagine this:


✨ …being confident in your creativity and inspired to share your works of heART with the world


✨ …knowing exactly what techniques and tools to use in order to achieve what you want


✨ …having boundless fresh ideas and energy to paint


✨ …finally being able to paint a piece that you are proud hang in your home and giving your loved ones your art as presents


✨ …escaping this covid-crazy world in the state of flow that everybody in the art world craves


✨ …never wasting any art supplies ever again because you know that something amazing will come out of the process


colourful, fun, inspiring and practical


My art and creativity workshops are known for being colourful, fun, inspiring and practical.


While I do lots of demonstrations, I don’t teach you to paint like me…I teach you how to paint like YOU! You’ll learn through the creative process to find your own voice and style in your art.


AMAZING ABSTRACTS is a 9-module journey, you can complete from the comfort of your own home and take at your own pace. I will guide you through her signature process of understanding your deepest joys, loves, passions and values and infusing these into your art skillfully and with purpose.


What will you learn?

The purpose of this workshop is to inspire you with new ideas, whether you are revising your work, beginning afresh or embarking on a new direction.


This is why this workshop applies equally to the beginning and advanced artists. 


It covers core principles, including composition, values, colour, harmony, texture, inspiration, expressing feelings, and other important elements of abstract art.


Over the course of this workshop, you will discover the unique process of intuitive painting, including mark-making, action paintings and engaging with a blend of tools to unveil countless approaches to create cohesive and joyous work with texture colour and composition.


All while loosening up and losing yourself in abstract expressionism and fields of colour.


Beginning and experienced artists will receive support and encouragement.  I will be with you every step of the way as I teach and provide one-on-one guidance and feedback. Emphasis will be placed on the skills necessary to complete simple and engaging artworks.


You will also be invited to join my FB community for regular Lives and encouraged to share and inspire others, as well as receiving one-on-one instruction throughout this course.

Videos and comprehensive instruction will aid learning and encourage skill acquisition.


You’ll receive:

  • A materials starter kit, letting you know affordable options to build a staple of art supplies you can use again and again
  • Handy tips sheets, for easy reference
  • Videos and comprehensive modules covering all aspects of creating abstract expressionist artworks
  • Personal feedback and constructive critiques from me to help you and your abstract paints skills grow with renewed courage and confidence


You’ll also receive a special bonus lesson on how to take a tiny painting and super-size it to create large scale works you adore.



How is this course different?

Other teachers use a click, pay, and leave approach to teaching. They load the pieces of training, using an external software provider to distribute and automate the course you have paid for. Meaning, after you enrol you receive a password to log in and are left to flounder.


My classes are different. You will receive personal tutoring and instruction from me. After you enrol, your first lesson will be personally emailed by Cassandra (not automated). You’ll be able to ask questions and interact with me, personally! No robots, no AI!



Are you ready to create beautiful abstracts?

If you’re ready to create beautiful abstracts, find your point of brilliance—an art style truly unique to you…



👉 Get it NOW and lock in the special price + Extra Bonuses >>

(two in-person-one-to-one Zoom calls with me to discuss any aspect of your painting journey).



Once payment is received I will personally email you with your first lesson.


I can’t wait to guide you into a whole new exciting phase of your creative journey!

See you in the AMAZING ABSTRACTS classroom!

Lots of love 



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The Joyful Artist